Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Hi to everyone! Finally found a computer...

It's Tuesday afternoon, and Zo and I are taking a lunch break in the Shelton, WA public library. Our shove-off was a little delayed due to packing issues, but we made it none-the-less and arrived in Belfair, WA - at the Belfair State Park - at around 7ish pm. We rode down 15th Street from NW 75th St and took the 4:20pm Bremerton Ferry across the sound to the Olympic Peninsula. From there we rode 20 miles south, past 3 old aircraft carriers, resting in the Naval Yard in Bremerton. All in all, it was a good start to this adventure, made even better by two of the friendliest Belfair State Park camp hosts this side of the Mississippi. We arrived and were not aware that the park was closed to camping until the 15th. Gus and Clyde still allowed us to stay and even brought some firewood over to keep us warm. That's pretty darn friendly, if you ask me. The next morning will be brought to you by Zo...

Morning #2 began much earlier with a hearty portion of instant oatmeal. Although there were minor complications with large amounts of water versus indivually sized packets of the cereal, Mark quickly learned this new-age Quaker process. We pushed off around 10am and rode back to Belfair where we took Highway 106 to Shelton. Unfortunately we made some error in our directions and ended up hugging the Hood Canal on 106 instead of making our way on less traveled roads. After a quick regrouping session at Alderbrook Resort and Spa we found our way back on track and 30 miles and 4 1/2 hours later in Shelton. We still have 25 more miles to do this afternoon before our campsite in Elma so we will be getting on the road again very shortly. It's darn cold STILL, mid May, in WA so I'm looking forward to moving again as I'm soaked to the skin and pretty chilly. We're told there's going to be sun tomorrow so we're looking forward to drying out. Talk again soon....


Unknown said...

I'm designing shirts and bumper stickers that say, "Cruising the Coast 2008" with each of your faces on the side. Kind of Brady Bunch style.

They will be olive orange. Good color.

When I try to fall asleep, I count how many times each of you pedal. It comforts me.

Lindsay said...

so happy to have updates... miss you mucho!

Unknown said...


AriaPeters said...

I miss you guys!

Downstairs feels very empty and sad. I've been sleeping with the light on and with a picture of you clutched in my clammy palm.

Be safe! Have fun crossing the Columbia, I bet it will be beautiful.

tnadventurer said...

Yes! Bremerton is such a cool area to ride (though it IS a bit damp!) My wife grew up in that area and I used to ride all over there when we'd go to visit her family. The shipyard really is a sight to see.

Mark, looking forward to "Cruising Carbon County 2008!"